Extreme streams of Honey Buzzards

Video by Elien Hoekstra

At the end of August, beginning of September, the Honey Buzzard is the main actor and the sound of clickers on fire is the soundtrack. Its migration peak in Batumi, although it depends on the weather, is not in a single day. There are several days in which an incredible stream of Honeys undulates meandering between the two stations. Testing the coordination and patient of both volunteers and coordinators at field. At dusk the stream stops and the HBs rest, they will continue the next day in the same place where they left off. For 3-5 days, and even longer, tens of thousands of Honey Buzzards a day pass through our heads, letting us see how incredible and spectacular the raptor migration is in Batumi.


Video by Bart Hoekstra.


06-09-2018 Kites in the Wind


A shot Montagu's