24-09-2017 Pallid record count

Photo by John Wright.


It was a fantastic Pallid Harrier day on both stations with a total of 388 individuals (Station-1: 292; Station-2: 96). The total number on this day alone is higher than some of the year totals we had during other seasons. In fact, even without accounting for the 186 MonPal we also counted today, it may very well have been the best day for Pallid Harrier migration ever observed in the world! The spectacular weather conditions made this migration show even more fantastic. Storm on sea pushed the birds inland and against a backdrop of grey clouds covering the mountains you could see the almost white adult male Pallids coming from miles away!


Photo by John Wright.

Photo by John Wright.


26-09 Happy Birthday, Ruslan! დაბადებისდღეს გილოცავ რუსლან!


27-09-2019 Harrier ID with Klaus Malling Olsen