15-09-2015 Imperial overhead

I remember it was a rather slow migration day with quite a few tourists on station 1. One of the counters shouted out “Nobody move! Imperial eagle coming straight at us!”. An awkward silence followed while everyone was searching for the bird. Honestly, you couldn’t miss it… The silence transformed into a machine gun kind of sound from the camera’s taking pictures when the imperial eagle flew right above us. When it flew out of sight, people spontaneously started applauding, others became really emotional, one person even got very angry. The battery of his camera died just at that  moment. Bird of the day for sure!


Photo by Wim Bovens.

Photo by Wim Bovens.

Photo by Wim Bovens.


27-09-2019 Harrier ID with Klaus Malling Olsen


10-09-2018 No time for a sandwich