EuroBirdwatch with us

We warmly invite everyone to come up to one of our two watchpoints this weekend  and observe migrating birds together with us. While doing so, our count volunteers share their identification skills, but also interesting facts about bird migration and threats they face during their journeys. Everyone is welcome to join us in Sakhalvasho or Shuamta between 7am and 5pm. During this Eurobirdwatch-weekend, all over Europe people will find observation posts nearby where everyone can share the knowledge on migratory birds and their flyways. In Europe many hundreds of activities are planned.


For the migrating bird species the existence of suitable breeding areas in the north, saving stopover sites and a safe passage on the flyway, and appropriate habitats in the wintering regions are therefore vitally important. The aim of EuroBirdwatch 2015 is to raise awareness for the wonders of bird migration and the needs of the migratory birds on the breeding areas, the flyways and in the wintering areas in the Mediterranean and in Africa.

The EuroBirdwatch is an annual event organised by Birdlife International, comprising hundreds of nationally organised activities. On these observation posts the number of birds and participating people are counted and reported to the European centre in the Netherlands. Last year for example, 38 countries in Europe and Central Asia took part in organising 1.184 events, with more than 33.000 people turning out to watch and help count the birds. The numbers, when it comes to the birds, are even more staggering: almost 7,5 million birds were counted last year, the highest in the history of the event!


For further information on the EuroBirdwatch visit:


EuroBirdwatch results


Update on hunting monitoring